On March 20, 2014 we were treated to a delightful and unexpected surprise. Sr. Bonifatia the provincial superior of the Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate in Ukraine, Sr. Patricia Lacey, provincial superior from Toronto,Canada and Sr. Theresa Slota Superior General from Rome were in Edmonton on business and we were so pleased that they were…
Blessing the Home of Hope (Photos)
Cестри Служебниці освятили соціальний гуртожиток для дівчат-сиріт у Львові
Cестри Служебниці освятили соціальний гуртожиток для дівчат-сиріт у Львові © 2013, Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate http://www.rekoldim.com/news/cestry-sluzhebnytsi-osvyatyly-sotsialnyj-hurtozhytok-dlya-divchat-syrit-u-lvovi/ Сьогодні, 10 серпня 2013 р., у Львові на вул. Равській, 6 о 10.00 відбулося урочисте посвячення приміщення «Дому надії» для дівчат із соціально незахищених родин. У будинку зможуть проживати 22 дівчат віком від 15 до 23 років. Урочистість…
Home of Hope Fundraiser a Success!
Fundraiser a Success! Home of Hope Fundraiser and Fashion Show Great thanks to the St. Nicholas UCWLC Branch for hosting the Home of Hope fundraiser on April 21, 2013. It was a great success. Below are some photos of the fashion show that entertained all the guests, and a few shots of the lovely hats…
A twist on Mother’s Day as woman reaches out to motherless kids in Ukraine
Danielle Kowalchyk, a kindergarten teacher at St. Francis of Assisi School, poses with items she is taking with her for kids in orpanages in Ukraine for Mother’s Day. She was photographed in Edmonton on May 7, 2013. Photograph by: John Lucas , Edmonton Journal As published in the Edmonton Journal on May 10, 2013 by Andrea…
Home of Hope Fundraiser
You are cordially invited to a “HOME OF HOPE” Fundraising Event Sunday, April 21, 2013 2:00 p.m. St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Parish 9507 Austin O’Brien Road Edmonton, AB Program: Update on “Home of Hope” Project Fashion Show of Vintage Clothing as well as Contemporary Fashions by Alia n TanJay (Nygard) Dessert and Coffee Ladies: please wear…
Home of Hope Update
As published online at the Edmonton Eparchy Official Website on February 12, 2013 View the original article here. Unicef currently estimates the number of homeless children in Ukraine at over 150,000. The disease of Human Trafficking has hit Ukraine and children on the streets, are prime targets for these traffickers. Solutions are needed to save…